Saturday, July 25, 2009

Autumn House Farms - a knitter's heaven, that's for sure.

Hi everyone - wow what a week, can't believe it's zipped by - but last weekend was nearly perfect! My knitting/spinning friend Julie and I got to Autumn House Farm on Fri. afternoon and checked into the 'extra' original farm house that has been refurbished by Harriet and her husband Ken, a third generation self-sustaining farmer on 180 acres plus. They raise about 60 sheep, different kinds, for the quality of their fleece: wool. The farm's handle is: Where Yarn is Born.


  1. Looks like a dream come true cottage!

  2. Great farm. Great blog. I even figured out how to leave a comment! I clicked the follow button. Good luck with the endeaver

  3. Oh, to be back in the peaceful solitude of the farm and the Shepherd's Rest, the grazing sheep utter an occasional faint bleat, the rhythmic clip clop of horse-drawn buggies driving down the narrow country road, the soft chirping of the birds greeting the day, and the fluffy clouds in shades of mauve and fire orange kissing the sun goodnight.


Yarn over: term used by knitters to create holes in lace knitting. I live next to the Cuyahoga Falls River and I imagine thousands of strands of yarn crossing the river and falls...